The Science Divide: Why do Latino and Black Students Leave STEM Majors at Higher Rates?

The Science Divide: Why do Latino and Black Students Leave STEM Majors at Higher Rates? | The Washington Post

Dropout rates varied among the groups, too. About 20 percent of Latino and 26 percent of black STEM majors left their institutions without earning a degree, while 13 percent of white STEM majors dropped out, according to the study.

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Applications Open: Aspire Alliance IAspire Leadership Academy

The NSF-funded Aspire Alliance’s Institutional Change Initiative (IChange) is accepting applications for the inaugural IAspire Leadership Academy. The Academy elevates the preparedness of academic leaders from underrepresented groups so they can aspire to and succeed in more senior leadership roles. This program offers fellowships to individuals from traditionally underrepresented groups currently in formal or non-formal leadership roles in STEM higher education.


IAspire Leadership Fellows will gain critical leadership skills across numerous competencies. They will have opportunities to learn how to lead more effectively in increasingly complex environments and build confidence to influence institutional transformation either in their current position or as they rise to other positions of leadership. The program fees (valued at $9,000) for this inaugural cohort are covered by the NSF INCLUDES Grant.


Additional Information about the Academy and the application process can be found on the Aspire Alliance IAspire Leadership Academy siteApplications are due June 3, 2019.